
发布时间:2023-03-15  浏览次数:







Ø 基本情况:

常诚,男,准聘教授,博士生导师,入选国家级青年人才项目。2014年本科毕业于77779193永利,2019年获得77779193永利博士学位,2019-2022年于奥地利科学技术研究院从事博士后研究,20231月入职77779193永利。研究方向:晶体和纳米热电材料。已在Science等期刊上发表50余篇研究成果,被引用>5000次。目前担任《Materials Lab》期刊执行编辑,《Science Bulletin》特邀编委。

Ø 主讲课程:

留学生课程 Advances in New Materials


Ø 研究方向:


Ø 教学科研成果


1 2022年中国材料研究学会热电材料及应用分会“优秀青年科学家”,1人次/每两年

22019International Thermoelectric SocietyGoldsmid Award1人次/每年


(1) Chang, C.; Wu, M.; He, D.; Pei, Y.; Wu, C.-F.; Wu, X.; Yu, H.; Zhu, F.; Wang, K.; Chen, Y.; Huang, L.; Li, J.-F.; He, J.*; Zhao, L. D.*, 3D charge and 2D phonon transports leading to high out-of-plane ZT in n-type SnSe crystals. Science 2018, 360, 778-783.

(2) Su, L.; Wang, D.; Wang, S.; Qin, B.; Wang, Y.; Qin, Y.; Jin, Y.; Chang, C.*; Zhao, L. D*. High thermoelectric performance realized through manipulating layered phonon-electron decoupling. Science 2022, 375, 1385-1389.

(3) Chang, C.; Liu, Y.; Ho Lee, S.; Chiara Spadaro, M.; Koskela, K. M.; Kleinhanns, T.; Costanzo, T.; Arbiol, J.; Brutchey, R. L.; Ibanez, M.* Surface functionalization of surfactant-free particles: A strategy to tailor the properties of nanocomposites for enhanced thermoelectric performance. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 6 (35), e202207002.

(4) Chang, C.#; Wang, D. #; He, D. #; He, W.; Zhu, F.; Wang, G.; He, J.*; Zhao, L.D.*, Realizing high-ranged out-of-plane ZTs in n-type SnSe crystals through promoting continuous phase transition. Adv. Energy Mater. 2019, 9, 1901334.

(5) Shi, H.; Su, L.; Bai, S.; Qin, B.; Wang, Y.; Liu, S.; Chang, C.*; Zhao, L.D.* Realizing high in-plane carrier mobility in n-type SnSe crystals through deformation potential modification. Energy Environ. Sci. 2023, 16, 3128-3136.